How to extract PULSE report and MOVE report data from Breeze

This will guide users of the Breeze software platform in compiling data required to complete a PULSE report or MOVE report.

The PULSE Report takes the "generosity pulse" or your organization by showing aggregate changes in giving to your organization over the last three years. The MOVE Report shows givers who are "making a move," either increasing their giving or decreasing their giving, this year compared to last year and the relative impact of those moves. To generate either report we will need a list of all giving transactions to your organization over a defined time period.

The process must be completed by a user with Full Contributions Reporting privileges in the Breeze portal. For more information, see this help video provided by Breeze.

Extracting Data from Breeze

  1. Log in to Breeze
  2. Click More

  3. Click Contributions

  4. Click Reports

  5. Click Dates

  6. Enter a Start Date. If you only enter a start date, by default Breeze will include all giving from the start date through the current date.

     Note: For a Pulse Analysis we require that you submit three full years of giving data (January through December) plus the current year-to-date data. 

  7. Click Fund then select the fund or funds that support your general ministry operations.

    Note: For a Pulse Analysis, we recommend that you only include the fund that supports your general ministry operations. Please discuss this with your consultant if you are uncertain which funds to include.

  8. Click More and then check People.

  9. Click People then Set Filter.

  10. Click Archived then Include Both. Then, click Apply Filter.

  11. Click Download as Excel.

Uploading Data to Generis

  1. Fill out this form and upload the file you just downloaded in step 11 above. 
  2. Your Generis consultant will review your data and run a Pulse/Move analysis. When the analysis is complete, he/she will contact you for followup.